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Steps to draft the Open Bible Stories

  • Click New project from the left side menu on the project page
  • Select OBS from the dropdown menu
  • Fill in all the required information in the fields
  • Select the created OBS project from the Projects page
  • An editor pane opens
  • Click on the icon for new layout to load reference resources
  • Click the resource selector icon on the new layout
  • A Resource pane will open up, displaying a list of available resources
  • Select the appropriate reference resource

Scribe allows to access various resources for reference such as Open Bible Stories, OBS Translation Notes, OBS Translation Questions, and OBS Translation Words List.

Steps to download resources for reference

OPEN BIBLE STORIES (Available only on download)

  • On the resource pane, click the resources selector on the top right side or LOAD A MODULE
  • Open Bible Stories will be selected by default
  • On the right pane, select the Resource tab
  • Enter the desired language in the Select Language search bar and click on the SAVE FILTER button
  • The selected language resource will appear below
  • Click on the download button located on the right side of the selected resource
  • After a successful download, a message will appear, confirming the successful download of the resource
  • The downloaded Bible story will now appear in the OBS tab
  • Select the resource from the OBS section by clicking on it

The selected resource will be displayed in the layout, allowing the user to refer to it as needed

Steps to upload the resources from local device through COLLECTION tab


Scripture Burrito validated folder is required to upload resources. How to create Scripture Burrito folder?

  • Click on the COLLECTION tab to import resources from the local device
  • Click on Select Folder
  • Select the file from local drive to upload
  • Click Upload
  • The uploaded file will appear in OBS tab

To download reference resource for OBS Translation Notes, OBS Translation Questions, and OBS Translation Words

  • Select the required reference resource
  • A list of reference resources will show in the right pane
  • Select the resource by hovering over the resource
  • Click the download Icon
  • After successfully downloading the resource, a notification message labeled "Resource download finished" will appear at the bottom left side of the screen
  • The downloaded resource appears on top of the list in the downloaded section